Elcomsoft blackberry backup explorer
Elcomsoft blackberry backup explorer

elcomsoft blackberry backup explorer

Q: After conversation of some data (contacts, tasks, messages etc), they’re immediately being shown in associated program (such as Adobe Reader or Microsoft Word), is it possible to change that?Ī: Yes disable the “open document after conversion” option at | | |. Q: The calendar events are shown twice!Ī: Select | | | and turn the “When opening IPD file, don't show duplicated Calendar events” option on. shown more than once.Ī: Select | | | and turn the “When opening IPD file, don't show duplicated contacts” option on. Q: For some reason, some contacts look like duplicated, i.e. Q: The program shows messages time according to my computer time zone is it possible to use the ‘device’ time zone instead?Ī: Yes – just disable “Local time zone” option in | | |. Q: It seems that the program shows much less SMS messages than I actually have!Ī: Most probably, “SMS message threads” option is enabled disable it at | | |.

elcomsoft blackberry backup explorer

Q: Is it possible to view SMS messages as thread/conversation?Ī: Yes select | | |, check “SMS message threads” option.

elcomsoft blackberry backup explorer

Q: I have changed some program options, but it seems that the program ignored that.Ī: Just re-open IPD-file. To create the backup (IPD-file), you have to use Blackberry Desktop Software. Q: I have started the program and connected by BlackBerry to the computer, but nothing happened – it seems that the program does not recognize the device.Ī: The program works not with the device itself, but with backup files created from them.

Elcomsoft blackberry backup explorer